Time for our annual ritual of good food, conversation, and fun sheep and lambs.
DATE: Saturday, December 17, 2016
PLACE: Vilija's house [email for directions if you need them]
TIME: Noon
Bring a food dish to share, and an ornament sized sheep to exchange.
Thurman Casey Library, Walnut Creek, CA
7:00 p.m., November 29, 2016
President Reba called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. We welcomed visitors, Isabelle and Brenda and two driver husbands. We had 19 members present for a Tuesday night.
Joan Anderson gave a report on CNCH 2017 meeting at Asilomar. Registration is open and many classes have filled. There are a few open classes, one involving spinning. She announced that the 2018 Area 4 Conference will be cancelled due to the HGA national meeting [CONVERGENCE] being scheduled in Reno in July, 2018. Area 4 is in the same area as Reno.
Treasurer Pam says that individual dues of $25 are welcome at any time, especially now. We have about 35 members.
Announcements include: Mayan Handweavers this weekend in Berkeley. Moraga’s Hacienda Holiday show the first weekend in December has several of our members participating. Reba announced she will teach 4 weaving classes thru Walnut Creek “Civic Arts” with registration starting Dec. 5. Don’t forget our December Holiday pot luck at Vilija’s with our sheep ornament exchange. This Saturday day meeting will be our monthly meeting.
Future programs include: Roy Clemes working more with us and our electric carders for guild use. Carolyn Greenwood will be offering a 6 hour workshop January 27-28 on spinning and hand painted roving. Wendy has the signups, so contact her if you need information about attending. Amy is hosting a welcome evening on Thursday evening prior. Wendy was not present, so contact her directly for more information. Charlene Woodcock will present a program in February.
Will Taylor mentioned this is the 20th anniversary year of Spinning at the Winery. He asked for any ideas of ways to make this special and celebrate. He also mentioned the Annual Holiday show at the Crockett Train museum on Dec. 10-11 from 10-4. They also have a new web site: http://cttom.org
Doris gave a short presentation on her recent journey into the fiber community starting with Jacob fiber. She offered one ounce balls of Jacob top that she had prepared for each member using her new combs and hackle. There was also a handout sheet about Jacob sheep. Doris also showed the knitted shawl prepared from blended colors of Laurie from Meredian Jacobs. She then introduced Robin Lynde of Meredian Jacobs. Robin gave a wonderful presentation about her business as a shepherd with a herd of 60, land manager, partner in agribusiness, member of Farm Club, fiber store owner presenting her own weaving and spinning products while being off the main drag of shoppers. She has a blog, her dog’s blog, Newsletter, Facebook, Ravelry, Instagram and the Fibershed website. She hosts Spinners Day out on Fridays, Third Friday Evenings, Shearing Day on Feb. 5, first lambing due date is Feb. 28 with 48 bred ewes. April is Meet the Sheep, October is Hug a Sheep day. Robin brought skeins, pelts, ponchos and small blankets as examples. Her dedication to her business is astounding.
DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR2016- Dec. 17, Treadles' Holiday Party
- Jan 2, Sheila O'Hara talk at Valley Stitchers in Pleasant Hill. [Info below]
- Jan. 24, Treadles Meeting, Roy Clemes [date change - Tuesday]
- Jan 26, 27, 28, Greenwood Fiberworks Spinning Workshop. [Info below]
- Feb. 22, Treadles Meeting. On the usual Wednesday. Charlene Woodcock: Jolom Mayaetik: Mayan weavers cooperative of Chiapas
- March 22, Treadles Meeting, [One week early because of Library Book Sale]
- May 4 - 7, CNCH Conference at Asilomar (link on the right)
"Spinning Painted Rovings for Deliberate Color Effect"
Jan 26, Thursday night 6-8pm, Fiber Preview at Amy's house with light appetizers and beverages to accompany the fiber preview, All participants welcome
Jan. 27, Friday 10am - 5pm
Jan 28, Saturday, 10am - 5pm
Both workshops will be identical, pick the day you can attend. Workshop will be at Amy's house in Pleasant Hill.
$45 per student plus $24 supply fee
$25 deposit holds your position in class. Contact Wendy to get on the list.
Sheila is a weaver of stunning landscapes, dancing sheep, and many other fiber fantasies. She has been weaving since 1976, gradually progressing to working on a jacquard loom. Her weavings can now be much more detailed, with some being photo realistic such as "Pomo Girl" pictured here. Her "Dancing Sheep" have been perennial favorites of weavers for a long time. Sheila will talk about her life in weaving, her inspirations and her process. She is a great, entertaining speaker.
When: Jan. 2, 2017, meeting begins at 10 am [doors open at 9:30]
Where: Faith Lutheran Church, 50 Woodsworth Lane, Pleasant Hill
$5 entry for non-members
DUES FOR OUR GUILDIf you have not paid the $25 dues for the year, which began in August, please make sure to get a check to Pam. The guild offers quite a bit while trying to keep the dues affordable. Please make sure you have paid.
At the beginning of the new year, if you do not get the notification that the blog for January is up, you have not paid your dues for the year. Among a few other things, this means you will not be able to participate in in the spinning workshop above nor our annual May dye day nor have access to any of the guild equipment and DVDs. WE DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!
Talk about good luck. I saw Vixen and Comet while they were in Indiana for a visit during Thanksgiving. Here they are resting up for the big day on Christmas Eve.