Thursday, January 31, 2013
Different Parts of Dewatering Machine And Their Functions
Dewatering Machine:
De-Watering machine plays an important role in knit finishing section of the knit fabrics. De-watering machine is used for reducing water from the wet fabric. It reduces the water content of the fabric.
Different Parts of Dewatering Machine
Dewatering Machine Parts and Their Functions:
De-watering machine has different parts and every single part has specific
Dewatering Machine | Working Principle of Dewatering Machine
Dewatering Machine:
In knit fabric finishing process; de-watering machine is used in case of tube or open form fabric after dyeing. In case of piece goods fabric hydro-extractor machine is used for water removing. During de-watering process additional chemical is used for soften the fabric. Different types of operational parameter are controlled during de-watering process.
Soft Flow Dyeing Machine and Principle of Soft Flow Dyeing Machine
It was found that in using Winch machines, there were some inherent problems. So the Jet dyeing machines when they came up in the 1970’s were specifically designed to overcome those shortcomings.
In the Jet dyeing machine the reel is completely eliminated. A closed tubular system exists where the fabric is placed. For transporting the fabric through the tube a jet of dye liquor is supplied
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Bio-polishing of Knit Goods and Influence of Bio-polishing Enzymes on Physical Properties of Cotton Knit Goods
Apart from polishing the fabrics, the treatment offers a number of other benefits in physical properties such as improvement in pill resistance, cooler fill, brighter luminosity of colors and softness. At the same time, the treatment results in certain adverse effects like loss in weight and strength. All the above effects are influenced by a number of factors like, composition
Bleaching Process of Jute Fiber/Fabric
Jute is extracted from the bark of the white jute plant, Corchorus capsularis and to a lesser extent from C. olitorius (tossa jute). Jute fibre also called as the ―”golden fibre” is one of nature‘s strongest vegetable fibres and has high insulating and anti-static properties, moderate moisture regain and low thermal conductivity. Jute ranks second in terms of production. Bangladesh and
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Combine Singeing and Desizing of Woven Fabrics
The main object of singeing is to remove the protruding fibres from the fabrics to make the fabric smoother. Machine Parameter:
Machine name : OSHTOFF singeing machine
Process : Gas singeing
Source of flame : L.P.G.
Pressure of L.P.G.: 1.5 bar
Flame height : 6”
Monday, January 28, 2013
Process Flow Chart of Yarn Dyeing
Yarn Dyeing:
Yarn dyeing is slightly difference from woven or knit dyeing. Dyed yarns are used for making stripe knit or woven fabrics or solid dyed yarn fabric or in sweater manufacturing. Yarns are dyed in package form or hank form by yarn dyeing process. Dyeing process can be vary depending on the individual procedure of a textile engineer or a dyeing master. Now I will give typical flow
List of Top Textile Engineering Colleges/Universities in Turkey
Textile sector provides for the dressing need which is one of the basic physiological requirements of humanity. So, we can say it is one of the oldest manufactures of the globe and also the headstone of the industrialization. Currently the textile sector is much more than a mere provider of dressing need as it has connections with almost all of the other sectors. Due to this rapid and
Creping Effect in Fabric | Mechanism of Creping | Process Sequence of Creping
Creping is a special effect produced mostly on rayon.
Mechanism of Creping:
If a highly twisted yarn made from a fiber which has high swelling properties and which also shrinks very high is subjected to swelling process, the twisted yarn gets untwisted and during the same time shrinks and loop formation takes place.
For a good creping effect, the popular construction of a fabric
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Process Flow Chart of Batching Section | Function and Purpose of Batching in Dyeing
Batching is the receiving section of grey fabric and sending section of grey fabric to the dyeing section which will dye. Batching is the process to get ready the fabrics which should be dyed and processed for a particular lot of a particular order.
Batch Process Flow Chart: Flow chart of Batching Section is given bellow: Fabric Received & stored ↓Fabric Divided according to
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Textile Raw Material (TRM) | Different Types of Textile Raw Material
Textile Raw Material:
Raw material is a unique substance in any production oriented textile industry. It plays a vital role in continuous production and for high quality fabric. Textile raw materials are selected as per the manufacturing policy of the company i.e. whether a composite mill or only a spinning, weaving or dyeing /finishing. Types of Textile Raw Material:
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Water Treatment Plant (WTP) | Process Sequence of Water Treatment Plant
Water Treatment Plant:
The water available from different water sources cannot be used directly in boilers as such. The objective of water treatment plant is to produce the boiler feed water so that there shall be:
No scale formation
No corrosion
No fouling
The treated water is called ‘De-mineralized Water’ and the plant where it is treated is called Water Treatment Plant.
WTP process
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Factors Involved in Scouring | Chemicals Use and Their Purposes in Scouring Process
Scouring is almost invariably the first wet process applied to textile materials. The object is remove oils, fats, waxes, soluble impurities and any particulate or solid dirt adhering to the fibers. The process consists essentially of treatment with a detergent with, or without, the addition of an alkali. When soap is used a good supply of soft water is essential but this is of
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Packtech | Textile Packaging Material | Advantages and Uses of Textile Packaging Material
To ensure scratch free and safe handling of sensitive articles Textile partitioned boxes/packages are an ideal option. These boxes/packages are very useful in Automotive industry for transportation and handling of sensitive components like lamp assemblies, fenders etc. Packaging material is one of the important branch of technical textile. We can define packaging as like below.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Common Problems/Causes and Remedies in Enzymatic Desizing
The purpose of a desizing process is to remove sizes that have been attached to warp yarns during a weaving process. Prior to the desizing process, therefore, the size analysis should be performed in order to set desizing conditions suitable for the sizes. Desizing Methods: Different methods of desizing are: A desizing method is selected on the basis of analysis of size , type of
Sisal Fiber | Properties of Sisal Fiber | Uses/Application of Sisal Fiber
Sisal Fiber:
Sisal Fiber is one of the most widely used natural fiber and is very easily cultivated. It is obtain from sisal plant. The plant, known formally as Agave sisalana. These plants produce rosettes of sword-shaped leaves which start out toothed, and gradually lose their teeth with maturity. Each leaf contains a number of long, straight fibers which can be removed in a process known
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Sueding Machine | Specification of Sueding Machine
Sueder Machine:Sueding is a mechanical finishing process in which a fabric is abraded on one or both sides to raise or create a fibrous surface. This fibrous surface improves the fabric appearance, gives the fabric a softer, fuller hand, and can mask fabric construction and subdue coloration. These improved aesthetics can increase the value of a fabric in the marketplace. In the textile
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Barium Activity Number (BAN) | Mercerization Test of Fabric
Barium Activity Number:
The ability of mercerized cotton fibre to absorb more iodine, dyes, moisture and alkalis, and to undergo oxidation or hydrolysis at increased rates compared to unmercerized cotton, has been used to develop various methods of determining the degree of mercerization. The most successful method consists of measuring preferential absorption of barium hydroxide from
Friday, January 18, 2013
Slitter Machine | Object and Function of the Slitting Machine | Working Principle of Slitter Machine
Slitter Machine:
Slitter machine is used for tubular knit fabric to make it in open form. In open form fabric finishing line; slitter machine is used after hydro-extractor, de-watering and drying machine. Slitting is a process that is applied for cutting the tubular fabric through the intended break Wales line on lengthwise direction prior to stenter processing. During slitting, it is required
Vortex Spinning Process | Principle of Vortex Spinning System
Vortex Spinning is hailed as a revolutionary new technology it can also be viewed as a natural development in the technology of fasciated yarn production. From the earliest inception of fasciated yarns it was evident that there were limitations, which precluded its wide acceptance.
Murata Vortex spinning technology is a modified form of jet spinning which has attracted a lot
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Compactor Machine | Function of Compactor Machine | Tubular Compactor and Open Width Compactor
Textile Compactor Machine:
Compactor is a textile finishing machine which is designed specially for compacting 100% cotton knitted fabric like jersey, pique, interlock, plush, rib and sinker etc. as well as cotton blended fabric in rope form, changing the loft and dimensional stability of the fabric and presenting it to plaited form. Fitted with two felt compacting units which makes it to
Stenter Machine | Function of Stenter Machine | Working Process of Stenter Machine
Stenter Machine:
A machine or apparatus for stretching or stentering fabrics. The purpose of the stenter machine is to bringing the length and width to pre determine dimensions and also for heat setting and it is used for applying finishing chemicals and also shade variation is adjusted. The main function of the stenter is to stretch the fabric widthwise and to recover the uniform
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Shout Out at Felt | Manufacturing Process of Felt
Most fabrics are either woven or knitted these days; with woven fabrics taking almost 60% of the total textiles and apparel. In reality, textile goes beyond woven and knitted fabrics. It actually starts from Felt. Felt is a material that requires neither the weaving technology, nor the sophisticated knitting technology. HISTORY: Felt may be the oldest fabric known to man; it
HLB Values of Surface Active Agents
“HLB VALUES” of Surface Active Agents
Surface active agents have varying properties depending on the nature and ratio of hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups. For example, among the anionic surfactants C₈-C₁₂ alkyl hydrophobes tends to be predominantly wetting agents, whilst the C₁₂-C₁₈ analogues exhibit better detergency and emulsifying properties. Clearly as the hydrophobic character of the
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Mechanism of Dye Fixation Processes in Fabric
If a typical textile print is washed soon after printing and drying, a substantial part of the colour is removed. An appropriate fixation step is therefore necessary. Complete fixation can rarely be achieved, however, and the removal of unfixed dye, thickening and auxiliary chemicals in a subsequent washing process is usually required. The efficiency with which these processes of
Weighting of Silk | Object of Silk Weighting | Silk Weighting Process
Weighting of Silk:
The process of increasing the weight of the silk material is known as weighting of silk. Object of Silk Weighting:
After the processing of silk material, it loses about 25% of its weight particularly after degumming.
This loss in weight leads to a great loss of money since they are very expensive.
To compensate the loss,
Monday, January 14, 2013
Production Calculation of Circular Knitting Machine
Production Calculation From Loop Length: Let us consider a circular Single Jersey knitting machines , having F no of Feeder and N no of needles , is running with a speed of n r.p.m and producing a fabrics of loop length ‘l’ mm . Hence , no of courses produced in 1 rev. = F no of courses produced in n ,, = F.n